

The secret is out. There is a sea change. Science is cool again. New Animals wants to unlock the secrets of the natural world. And New Animals loves a Jameson with ice. The Secret Science Club is the stone aimed squarely at these two birds. Here, young people gather to hear lectures and view demonstrations on sundry scientific topics. Union Hall, in Park Slope, Brooklyn, is a grand locale for these clandestine meetings. A big bar, books, and bocce. Que bella! Sign up early for the bocce courts. Secret meetings are in the basement. Where all secret meetings are held. New York Times Review of Secret Scientists


Anonymous said...

Irish whiskey... gross. Give me a corn made American Bourbon whiskey any day.

P.J.S. said...

I too enjoy American bourbon, but I encourage you to sample the whiskey of the Emerald Isles. I think you'll discover a wealth of smooth refinement.